Learn to Travel Alone!

Feeling bored sitting at home during holidays? Family trip is not going? Not getting permission to travel with friends? Not having enough money? If it comes to travel alone then who will give permission? If permission is given then question arises as to where to travel?

Well.. firstly you have to get out of your house.
Have you seen your city?
Then lets travel the city first, know it very well.
Start your journey by acting small.

Start searching the places where you will go to travel. Take help from the local residents for knowing about the best places to visit in their local area. Taste variety of dishes which are famous in that area. Roam around the market places in that area. If there are any industries/factories, give a visit over there.

If you are really willing to travel, then travel, travel alone!
Travel your country, your state, your city, your area... after seeing your budget!
Travel alone! Otherwise how will you come to know the magic of travelling alone?
And how will you get in contact with other people, geography and importantly with yourself!

By travelling alone you will find something, you will see something which you usually don't see; and the feeling you will get travelling alone that you will not get sitting at home!

Just like motors require periodic servicing from time to time; our body, our mind also require servicing from time to time.
Now the question arises as to how to do servicing of our body, of our mind??
By doing Yoga? By going to gym?
Yes, this can help us keeping healthy, fit and fine.
But to do the servicing of our mind, our soul; travelling at least once in a year is the only solution!!

Travelling alone benefits in:
  • Improving Communication skills
  • Making Quick decisions 
  • Discovering Oneself
  • Increasing Self Confidence


  1. Nice article.....really a thinkable thing to travel alone and discover oneself.

  2. Yes it's amazing to travel alone..amazingly written..keep writing

  3. Well written. Makes me wanna go on a solo trip rightaway.


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